S10E19 - The Collaboration Fluctuation

No: 226  |  Season: 10   Episode: 19  |  Air Date: 2017-03-30  |  Runtime: mins


Leonard, Penny and Raj adjust to their new living arrangements; Sheldon expresses an interest in Amy's work.

Director and Writers

Director: Mark Cendrowski
Writers: Story by: Chuck Lorre & Tara Hernandez & Giuseppe Graziano / Teleplay by: Steven Molaro & Steve Holland & Dave Goetsch


Script: S10E19 - The Collaboration Fluctuation


Amy: (Looking at their boards) Wow. Look at that.
Sheldon: Yes. It's remarkable.
Amy: So we're agreed: it's total garbage.
Sheldon: By the way, your name can go first.

Sheldon: I believe I've made some progress on our ground rules.
Amy: Oh, good. What are they?
Sheldon: Number one: in matters of physics, I have the final say. In matters of neuroscience, you have the final say, unless I disagree. Number two: when we publish, my name goes first. Oh, subsequently, if we win any awards, I speak first. I don't want to be talking when the orchestra plays us off.
Amy: Can I see that?
Sheldon: Of course.
(Amy takes notebook and tosses it out the window)
Sheldon: I'll get that back. Like all my underwear, that notebook says "Property of Sheldon Cooper".
Amy: Sheldon, if we're gonna have ground rules, I'll tell you the first ground rule: I make the ground rules.
Sheldon: I'd write that down, but I can't now, can I?

Raj: So, Downward Facing Dog comes from the Sanskrit phrase Adho Mukha Svanasana.
Penny: Oh, that's beautiful. What does it mean?
Raj: Downward facing dog.
Penny: Yeah, I guess they don't have Sanskrit for butts up and heads down.
Raj: Hey, we wrote the Kama Sutra; if it involves butts there's a word for it.

Sheldon: Can you stop breathing so loud? I can hear your nose whistling.
Amy: I can hear your face talking, so we're even.
Sheldon: All right! Either blow your nose or teach it to play Camptown Races!
Amy: FIne! Fine! You want me to blow my nose? Here, I'll blow it!
(Blows nose really hard at Sheldon)
Amy: Better?
Sheldon: No, I can still hear it. Oh, wait, that's me. Never mind, it's fine.

Sheldon: Can you read them back?
Amy: Revised ground rule number one: we are on the same team but it *is* a competition.
Sheldon: Excellent, excellent. And on a related point, you're going down, punk.
Amy: Revised ground rule number two: there are definitely stupid questions, and those who ask them can be told so right to their *stupid* face.
Sheldon: I love that one.
Amy: Thanks, babe. Number three: fair topics for insult include educational pedigree, scientific field, intellectual prowess, and mommas.
Sheldon: That list is *strong*. Like your mother's urge to be promiscuous with sailors.

Amy: (after carrying her harp up the stairs) You know, I like harp lessons, but I'm thinking of switching to elevator repair lessons.

Sheldon: It seems we have a choice to make. Abandon all ground rules in the name of science or give up collaborating for the sake of our relationship.
Amy: There's only one clear choice.
Sheldon: Science.
Amy: No, you bonehead!

Amy: We're finally making progress. I wish we could do it without fighting.
Sheldon: What if the fighting is the reason we're making progress?
Amy: I suppose it's conceivable that the hormones associated with our fight or flight response could be sharpening our cognitive processes.

Sheldon: If good ideas came out of your brain the way mucus comes out of your nose, we'd be in good shape.

Sheldon: It could be the most inspired combination since I mixed red Icee into my blue Icee. It was like drinking two sevenths of the rainbow.

Amy: I had a feeling you were using the wrong computational model, but I didn't say anything 'cause you're so sensitive!
Sheldon: Just because I'm easily bothered by light, heat, sound, smell and the way birds look at me does not mean I'm sensitive!

Sheldon: Gentlemen, the most interesting thing just happened with this spoon.
Howard: Unless it was singing "Be Our Guest", I doubt it.

Sheldon: Biology and physics coming together, this is like the peanut butter cup of the mind.

Notes and Trivia

Sheldon is very happy with Amy's list of fair topics for insult, which include educational pedigree, scientific field and intellectual prowess. Not surprisingly, these happen to be the areas where Sheldon excels at: he often belittles Howard's engineering education, has nothing but contempt for geologists, and constantly questions Leonard's intelligence.

Title reference: the cooperation between Sheldon and Amy, which fluctuates between working together and insulting each other.




Johnny GaleckiLeonard Hofstadter
Jim ParsonsSheldon Cooper
Kaley CuocoPenny Hofstadter
Simon HelbergHoward Wolowitz
Kunal NayyarRaj Koothrappali
Mayim BialikAmy Farrah Fowler
Melissa RauchBernadette Rostenkowski
Pamela AdlonHalley Wolowitz
Tiffany DanielsClerk
Doug MorencyStranger