Big Bang Theory Quote
Howard: What are you guys up to?
Sheldon: Oh, father-in-law/son-in-law bonding. It's going great. Look at what he bought me at the train store.
(he takes out and blows a whistle)
Sheldon: Yeah, it sounded louder in the car.
Howard: Cool. Can I see it?
Sheldon: (handing it over) Hmm? Sure.
Howard: Interesting. This is one of those disappearing whistles.
Sheldon: What are you talking about?
Howard: (making it disappear) Voila.
Larry Fowler: Amazing. Where did it go?
Howard: Look in your pocket.
Larry Fowler: (taking it out) Ah! Oh! Oh! Oh, how did you do that?
Howard: Sorry, a magician never shares his secrets.
Larry Fowler: I'll give you a hundred bucks.
Howard: Sold!
Larry Fowler: Okay. Hey. Where's my wallet?
Howard: (making it appear) Voila.
Quote from S12E08 - The Consummation Deviation