Big Bang Theory - Season 3

Raj is it? You still having trouble talking to the ladies?
S03E01 The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation - 2009-09-21
After returning from the North Pole, a conflict among the guys sends Sheldon back to Texas and interferes with Leonard's reunion with Penny.
Sheldon: What was that? Raj: My stomach. Indian food doesn
S03E02 The Jiminy Conjecture - 2009-09-28
Leonard and Penny's first night together goes awkwardly. Sheldon and Howard wager on the species of a cricket.
Howard: (to Raj) Yes, she
S03E03 The Gothowitz Deviation - 2009-10-05
Sheldon attempts to covertly alter Penny's habits, while Howard and Raj try their luck meeting women at a Goth-style club.
Sheldon: This is not the time for joking. We
S03E04 The Pirate Solution - 2009-10-12
When Raj has to find a new job or be sent back to India, Sheldon's solution leaves Leonard and Penny dealing with Howard as the third wheel.
In the words of Khan Noonien Singh in the immortal wrath of Khan, he tasks me, he tasks me and I shall have him.
S03E05 The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary - 2009-10-19
Leonard is forced to ask Penny to set Howard up with one of her friends, while Sheldon seeks payback against sci-fi star Wil Wheaton.
Leonard: (watching football) What is this "sacks" statistic they put up there? Howard: All I know about Saks is my mother shops there.
S03E06 The Cornhusker Vortex - 2009-11-02
Leonard tries to learn about football to fit in with Penny's friends. Meanwhile, a loss in a kite war threatens to end Raj and Howard's friendship.
Penny: How
S03E07 The Guitarist Amplification - 2009-11-09
Sheldon is caught in the middle when Leonard and Penny argue about Penny's friend staying at her apartment.
Penny: Could you please drive a little faster?  Sheldon: Oh, I think we
S03E08 The Adhesive Duck Deficiency - 2009-11-16
Penny is forced to turn to Sheldon for help when she dislocates her shoulder in the bathtub. Meanwhile, the rest of the guys accidentally get stoned in the desert while waiting for a meteor shower.
I want to know why you
S03E09 The Vengeance Formulation - 2009-11-23
Sheldon plans revenge after Kripke humiliates him on the radio. Howard develops doubts about his relationship with Bernadette.
Penny: Great! A little insulting, but great. I
S03E10 The Gorilla Experiment - 2009-12-07
Sheldon attempts to help Penny understand physics to impress Leonard, while Howard becomes jealous when Bernadette takes an interest in Leonard's research.
Leonard: Um... Sheldon: Leonard, I
S03E11 The Maternal Congruence - 2009-12-14
Leonard's mother makes a visit to his dismay and Sheldon's delight.
Bernadette: So, what should we talk about?  Howard: Well, we could always learn more about why people who believe in psychics are idiots. Leonard?
S03E12 The Psychic Vortex - 2010-01-11
Raj talks Sheldon into being his wingman at a university mixer. Leonard has trouble dealing with Penny consulting a psychic.
Penny: Come on, Sheldon, you can
S03E13 The Bozeman Reaction - 2010-01-18
When their apartment is robbed, Leonard and Sheldon turn to Howard and Raj to create a state-of-the-art security system.
Leonard: Don
S03E14 The Einstein Approximation - 2010-02-01
Sheldon wreaks havoc when he is stumped by a difficult physics question.
Penny: I know! I went shopping today and bought special undies for the occasion.  Leonard: Thermal?
S03E15 The Large Hadron Collision - 2010-02-08
When Leonard is offered a trip to Switzerland on Valentine's Day to visit the CERN laboratory, Sheldon uses any and all means to be his guest instead of Penny.
Bruce Banner, Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Stephen Strange, Otto Octavius, Silver Surfer, Peter Parker, oh, and worst of all, J. Jonah Jameson, Jr.
S03E16 The Excelsior Acquisition - 2010-03-01
Sheldon misses an opportunity to get Stan Lee's autograph because he has to make an appearance in traffic court.
Howard: I
S03E17 The Precious Fragmentation - 2010-03-08
The guys' friendship is threatened when they find a ring from the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.
Why did the chicken cross the Mobius strip? To get to the same side. BAZINGA!
S03E18 The Pants Alternative - 2010-03-22
Sheldon seeks help from the rest of the gang in overcoming his fear of public speaking when he receives an award.
Stuart: Albino Bob couldn
S03E19 The Wheaton Recurrence - 2010-04-12
Sheldon takes on Wil Wheaton in a game of bowling. Leonard and Penny's relationship comes to a crossroad.
Sheldon: I
S03E20 The Spaghetti Catalyst - 2010-05-03
Sheldon is forced to go behind Leonard's back to spend time with Penny following their breakup.
Boy, I
S03E21 The Plimpton Stimulation - 2010-05-10
Chaos ensues when a nymphomaniac physicist visiting Sheldon hooks up with Leonard.
Leonard: It was the best apartment I
S03E22 The Staircase Implementation - 2010-05-17
Leonard tells Penny about how he and Sheldon became roommates and what happened to the elevator.
Howard: Right now, Doctor Sheldon Cooper has to send an email to his perfect match. (starts typing) "Greetings fellow life form..."
S03E23 The Lunar Excitation - 2010-05-24
Penny has a night of angry, drunken sex with Leonard, much to his confusion. Meanwhile, Howard and Raj search for Sheldon's perfect match online.